Wednesday, February 27, 2013

XCOM Game 2 Mission 4

Still reeling from the loss of Genevieve and Nicole, the organisation puts together a new team. Margit makes another appearance but we also have two new recruits. Erwin Tang and Chris Craig. The team is heading to South Africa to deal with recent abductions.

Right out of the Skyranger, Chris runs into a little problem.

Being unfamiliar with this sort of thing, both Erwin and Chris panic. Luckily they don't shoot each other.

Kyle moves into position, and takes care of the threat.

Another alien comes into view but this time in range of Margit's sniper rifle.

And it never stood a chance.


For some reason the aliens must like this because another Sectoid does the exact same thing and receives the exact same results.

Now Kyle moves into position and sees a Sectoid. but the shot is at a pretty bad angle.

Not a concern for Cpl Harland though.

Kyle then repositions himself and sets up a shot to take out a mindmelder.

And the mission ends successfully. The rookies don't get any experience from Operation Red Throne but Corpo... I mean Sergeant Kyle gets a promotion and a neat nickname: Smash.

And it looks like the team wasn't teh only ones keeping busy. The tech labs have developed a neat new toy.


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

XCOM Game 2 Mission 3

With two successful missions under my belt the powers that be have asked me for a favour. The Council wants me to rescue a person who has escaped the aliens, Anna Sing of Ottawa, Canada. For this mission I have the old team but Kyle is resting so Rookie Nicole Ong has joined up.

Genevieve has an explosive start to the mission.

Tomas and Katherine setup position near the fountain, while Nicole guards the rear.

Tomas takes out the alien.

A Sectoid tries to sneak up on Nicole but Genevieve will have none of that.

Tomas has another alien in his sights and takes it down.

Now all the targets have been neutralised we have finally found Anna. Time to get her back to the Skyranger.

Once we locate Anna more aliens come to stop us. Tomas takes one out.

And Katherine takes down another

Aliens on the truck roof. Thank goodness we have a sniper!

But another Thin Man takes out Nicole!

Genvieve avenges her teammate. And Anna makes her way to the Skyranger.

But Genevieve is killed from behind!

Tomas kills the last Thin Man and Anna makes it to the Skyranger.

Operation Forgotten Priest is a success but at what cost? At what cost?!!!!!

Monday, February 25, 2013

XCOM Game 2 Mission 2

Since they worked so well together last time the same team is up for this mission. Now headed by Corporal Gagnes-Hawes. This is time it is a downed UFO in Nigeria.

The team steps out of the Skyranger and tags their first alien.

The team then sets up their positions and Tomas sees an alien in a good position.

Tomas takes out the Sectoid but the alien known as the "Outsider" materialises and gets into position. Luckly Genevieve is in a great spot.

Unfortunately she misses but she also tags the Outsider so that others shooting at it get a bonus. This give Kyle the extra aim he needs to finish the job.

 Genevieve moves out of position but is surprised by a Sectoid!

Thankfully, Katherine has been hiding inside the UFO and has a clear shot at the Sectoid and nails him.

 This leaves the way clear to take out the Sectoid that had mindmlded with the now dead Sectoid. Geneveive sees eyes the alien but doesn't have a clear shot.

She takes the shot anyways and ends the mission.

Katherine is finally promoted to a Sniper and Kyle is also promoted to Corporal. Operation Hot Justice is a success!