Wednesday, February 20, 2013

XCOM Game 1 Mission 3

The council has trusted me enough to provide me with an important mission. They need me to extract a high level official in Japan. I get the team together and it looks like we have a new recruit, Rookie Genevieve Gagnes-Hawes.

We touch down and are greeted by some creepy looking aliens, who immediately poison Frank.

More aliens get into view. Genevieve tries for a shot but misses.

Dan moves in to finish the job. And does so.

Frank also sees a clear shot and downs another "Sectoid".

With the area cleared, Dan moves in to contact the VIP.

Once the VIP is in our charge the aliens go nuts and start showing up everywhere.

Genevieve takes a shot at the alien behind her. But misses.

Seeing that his squadmate is fully exposed, Derm moves in under heavy fire to help out.

Add nails the sucker!

But it is in vain. From a far position another of the "Thin Men" critically hits Genevieve and she is down. Frank and the VIP next to him panic.

Frank starts shooting wildly and kills the VIP! 

The team recovers and gets back to the ranger. Operation Bloody Skull is abandoned.


1 comment:

  1. I'm a sniper not a shot gun surgeon Kafui! I mean sorry guys, I really let down the team on this one.
