Monday, February 18, 2013

XCOM Game 1 Misssion 1

As stated I will use this page to post some XCOM missions. I played 5 missions of the game but I lost my save file so I had to start over. As you will see it wasn't such a great loss. For those interested, I am playing Ironman Mode, Classic Difficulty with the Second Wave options - New Economy, Damage Roulette, Not Created Equal, and Hidden Potential.

So to start off. The aliens have been abducting people all over the world. Out of the three possible sites, I choose Acapulco. I've never been been to Acapulco.


The mission will net me four engineers and should be a simple endeavor. I bring in the squad. Jonathon is a sniper, Kyle is a heavy and Derm and Frank are the Rookies. I randomly rolled for the armour colour, so yes, Derm is wearing pink armour.

Operation Purple God commences!

The squad gets into position.

And luckily the aliens fall right into their trap!

But everyone misses.

Frank moves in closer to take out the alien behind the counter and takes it out!

With one down. More aliens come out from behind the counter but they are mindmelded. When the controller dies, the other alien is also killed. Kyle takes full advantage of this situation.

Still more aliens come into the burger joint. This time Jonathon sees a clear shot to the alien in the backroom and with his sniper rifle gets another 2 for 1 kill on the mindmelded aliens.

With the fast food place finally cleared of aliens the gang head in and fortify their position.

Dermot sees an alien and tries to get a shot but not this time.

Kyle gets into position outside and attacks the mindmelded alien.

Clear shot!

With that it is mission accomplished and the rookies gain valuable experience in the field.


  1. You do show up in the next game but I didn't get to make your avatar before I lost the save for this game.
